Identification Code for Physical Distribution / Instore Marking / International Article Numbering Association EAN / Item Code
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Identification Code for Physical Distribution

The code of concentrated packages, for indicating quantities of content products.
1 digit for Standard version(14-digit), and 2 digits for Extended version(16-digit). in latter case, the first 1 digit is dummy (fixed to 0), in order to let the code length even.

(See the page of Assignment of Identification Codes)

Instore Marking

A barcode which is used only by specified shops, chains, the routes of distribution.
The number 20 - 29 is used for its flag.
For its character of usage, it is often used by NON-PLU with including prices.

International Article Numbering Association EAN

Administrative organization of the international common product code. Established in 1977, for European countries of free economies, then many countries from over the world joined one after another.

Reorganized in 1978.

Item code

5-digit product code next to maker code of JAN code. The Maker can decide the item code freely.

Identification Code for Physical Distribution / Instore Marking / International Article Numbering Association EAN / Item Code
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